Habit Stacking and Building the Healthier Life You Want (One Step at a Time)

Let's say you've been trying to live a healthier life.

You've made a list of habits you're trying to improve that will get you that result. You put the plan into action and are excited!

Then you only last about a week or a month before you feel burnt out and fall back into the same routine.

What gives?

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Sleep: How to Get More of it!

That thing we forgot to do, work meetings we have tomorrow, or the cliff hanger in American’s favorite trash tv show "90 Day Fiancé” are thoughts that might prevent our brains from winding down. We are also staying up late on Zoom calls, socializing or watching movies on our days off. (See a trend here?) And don’t get me started on drinking the alcohol.

All of these factors contribute to a decreased quality of sleep.

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Stronger Together Fitness Conference (2019)

We did it.

I’m still coming down from the high that was the Stronger Together Fitness Conference.

The days leading up to it were stressful and I was operating at a high level of anxiety. For the first half of that week, I was on the other side of the state for work. I felt stuck in terms of preparation since I was so far from home and my supplies/notes.

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Meet Recap

“I needed this.

2018 has been a year full of anguish, heartbreak, and fury for me. There were times where I’d cry until I fell asleep, only to wake up and start again. I had a several week lull where I felt like I was drowning in responsibilities and tasks. My response to this reality was to stare into the bright screen or technology or lie in bed until guilt dragged me out of the warmth of my blankets and my dog snuggled against me. My parents were concerned and irritated with my disconnectedness. I felt like I was pissing off my friends with some of my attempts at feigning being okay. Having a handle on all aspects of my life was feeling impossible…“

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